Andrea Ryan

Property Manager

Andrea Ryan
Industry Experience 5 Years Icon
Over 5 Years of Industry Experience
Specialist Icon
Commercial Property Specialist
Team Member Since 2023 Icon
Cape Fear Commercial Team Member Since 2023

Andrea is a Property Manager with Cape Fear Commercial. She oversees day-to-day operations for several properties in the firm’s management portfolio and is responsible for everything from budget preparation and financial reporting to lease administration and vendor relations.

Prior to joining Cape Fear Commercial, Andrea worked for another commercial real estate firm, assisting with marketing, property management and day-to-day operations. She was also a legal assistant at a large foreclosure law firm in the area.

In addition to being a real estate broker, Andrea is a licensed Notary for the State of North Carolina. She is also a member of the National Notary Association.

Andrea moved to Wilmington in the fall of 2013 from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and has called Wilmington home ever since. Outside of the office, she enjoys shopping, spending time at the beach and hanging out with her miniature cat, Gracie.